Archive for April 10th, 2008

Thursday Thoughts: JOY

This is a neat little memory tool for prioritizing your time and how you spend it:

J- Jesus First

O- Others Second

Y- Yourself Last

Although it seems so simple, JOY is a great way to remember to put the most important priorities first.

Many times (and I am guilty of this myself!), we put ourselves first, without thinking about others and what they might need. There are so many people who are hurting or just need a helping hand, and we are so occupied with ourselves that we miss the bigger picture. God wants us to help and be more mindful of others.

Sometimes we shove God aside, saying or thinking things like: “I will read my Bible later” or “Praying isn’t that important”.

God is the very backbone for my life. If He wasn’t here, my life would be totally different. He loves and cares about me. If I truly loved Jesus, why would I put Him aside? I try to remember this before thinking of my own time.

JOY has really helped me place my priorities in order, and I know this will help you too! 🙂

You can feel free to place the graphic in your sidebar.

Wishing you all a lovely day!


Welcome to my blog. I am 19 and the oldest of eleven children. I am learning how to run and care for a home, learning to be more like Jesus, and how to be a godly wife and mother. We love each other, and each day is a new adventure as we seek to glorify the Lord through all we do.

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